Establishing a Legal Address in Estonia

The legal address of an Estonian company is one of the most important requirements for registering a business in Estonia. This means that any type of business - sole trader, partnership, limited liability company, or non-profit association - will require a legal address to register.

There are two options for acquiring a legal address. One option is to purchase it from a licensed service provider. Another option is to rent an address. Both options are effective, but the most cost-effective solution is to buy a legal address.

When establishing an OU, most e-residents choose to register through one service provider. However, a single service provider will not serve all e-residents. Similarly, there are many service plans available that vary in price. E-residents need to select a service plan that is suitable for their business needs. Typically, these service plans are charged on a subscription basis, and range from EUR30 to EUR150 per month.

Before registering as an OU, you need to fill out an application form. You will also need to submit a motivation statement and a digital photo. After you have submitted all these, you will need to pay the state fees. To apply online, you will need to use a credit card or PayPal. If the company's address changes, you will have to pay an 18-EUR state fee.

You can also create a virtual office in Estonia, which allows you to maintain a subsidiary enterprise in the country. Using a virtual office, you can access all incoming correspondence. Additionally, you can maintain a local phone number and keep track of all incoming calls.

You will need to establish a contact person to represent your company. If you are a foreigner, you will need to designate a person who is a resident of Estonia. You can hire a local lawyer or notary to be your contact person. Other professionals include an accountant or a sworn auditor.

In addition to a contact person, you will need to establish a legal address in Estonia. While the legal address can be obtained from a licensed service provider, it is easier and cheaper to acquire it yourself. A legal address can be a mailing address, correspondence forwarding, or a mailing address in the city center.

The legal address of an Estonian company will be used for several reasons. It will serve as the official address of the company's registered branch, for example. Legal documents addressed to the business will be delivered to the address. Some may still be sent in paper form. Nevertheless, with the advent of technology, most legal documents are now delivered electronically.

Obtaining an e-residency is especially beneficial to foreign entrepreneurs. With an e-residency, you can set up a business and access payment solutions and the EU market. Also, it will not affect your personal taxes. Nevertheless, you should continue to pay your personal taxes in your tax residence country.

Registering a business in Estonia is easy, and a few simple steps will ensure that you are up and running in no time. In addition to an e-residency, you will receive a smart ID card that will allow you to access a wide variety of services.